Highlighting your Ancestors.

I know there are many websites out that provide family tree's that are viewable online, but one of the major drawbacks to them is the profiles that are created for the individuals.  To my knowledge there is no real way of providing a "Rememberance" your ancestors.

Most profile pages will show the ancestors picture, provide date of birth, date of death, and general family information (Mother, Father, Siblings, Spouse, Children).  Almost all of them provide the means to post comments also to the profile. 

Currently the best place for ease of use for creating a memory for your ancestors is the FootNote Pages, while it has alot of drawbacks, I still believe it has the potential to be great.  After creating to FootNote Pages, I was amazed at what was presented, and how other's will be able to view these people. 

The Timelines feature, along with the maps add's such a personal touch to the pages, along with not just comments but the ability to add stories also.  I am currently creating my third FootNote Page for my Great Great Grandfather Franz Maczek who became a noble in 1918 in Austria.  I have posted  about him before on here, I dont have any pictures of him, but I have alot of information about his life.

Anyone know of any of the online genealogy sites that provide the same standard's or better then FootNote Pages for profiles?  That's the one major downfall of the FootNote Pages, they are pages, and not setup to be fully Family Tree oriented

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