Family Pursuit

Tonight I stumbled upon a new website to me  FamilyPursuit, initial looks of the website look promising.  I think I am always looking for the perfect website for genealogy.  This website is designed for collaboration of genealogy.  You can import GEDCOM files, but it doesn't really create a family tree that I can see currently, but its there.  All names are listed, except people who are still alive.
Once you go through all the steps to setup your accounts, import an GEDCOM, you can then invite other users, not sure but I would gather you can invite anyone that you want to participate.  You also have the ability to create Research Projects, which sounds like a good way to keep things organized.  After taking a look at a tutorial for the research projects, its a nice setup were you assign other members to do research, (along with your self).  In the next article I will show examples of research projects.  There is one thing I noticed after I uploaded my GEDCOM that I do not really like.   "One GEDCOM is uploaded it cannot be deleted".  Does not really leave with a warm fuzzy.  I think the concept is good, just like the concept for Footnote Pages, just wish each of these great concepts were not another website, they need to be combined.

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1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with your last statement. We've seen so many things pop up lately, it's hard to figure out what's the best. It'd be nice if there was just one big portal created with the combined ideas of all these sites.


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