New at Ancestry this week

The Largest Collection of NARA Records Online

Since 1998, has digitized and indexed millions of NARA records to create the largest collection of NARA records online. A couple months ago we began scanning documents on location at NARA. This will enable access to more U.S. historical records online than ever before. Our growing collection of NARA records includes more than 750 million names and 70 million images in census, immigration and military records, among many others.

Tennessee State Divorces, 1800-1965

This database contains 35,000 divorce records and other court and probate records from the state of Tennessee from 1800 to 1965. The record types and years covered varies with each county. Names from the divorce records have been transcribed and can be searched. Images of all the records are viewable through the browse table.

U.S. Naturalization Records - Updated

See how millions of Americans became Americans. These were the intrepid pioneers of families around the world that escaped poverty, religious persecution, oppressive governments, racism and more to start a new life in America. Here you’ll find names, volume numbers, page numbers and sometimes even certificate numbers documenting the moment your ancestors became U.S. citizens.

U.S. IRS Tax Assessment Lists, 1862-1918

It’s the only thing people hate more than going to war: paying taxes on it. In Civil War times, the government had no qualms about taxing its citizens to help fund the war, its end and the aftermath. This database contains the names and businesses taxed, their address, the taxable period and the amount of taxes reported. How did paying taxes on the war affect your wartime ancestors? Search almost nine million names and find out.

Coming Soon!

• Michigan Passenger and Crew Lists, 1903-1966
• South Carolina Delayed Birth Records, 1766-1900
• Illinois State Census Collection, 1825-1865
• California Passenger Lists
• Charleston, South Carolina Birth Records, 1877-1901

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