More on Lorenz Hopfengartner

After a little more digging I found a few more items on Lorenz Hopfengartner, not sure if its all the same person.

Translated: (Google Translate)

Cessation of tradesmen privileges 
Nachbeschriebene tradesmen privileges were renbecause of undelivered proof of the execution of these inventions in Bay due to the 3point 4 of the highest Regulation of 10 February 1842, the Gewerbsprivtlegien gone onas, and indeed 

one that the Lorenz Hopfengärtner in Nuremberg declared in m 21January 1847 Ver ltehene and m 17 to April 1S47 auö written four yearsGewerbsprtvilegium n he invented new combustion method with stone and brown coal

Link to Book

Second book

This looks to be just a notice of rank.

Well I will keep searching for more info on the family.  From prior info it looks like Lorenz might have had money at sometime in their life but lost it.   This has not been verified as of yet. 

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